This new facility consists of:
* One new 10,000 litre fuel tank
* New Fuel dispensing equipment complete with fuel polishing unit
* A new digital network-based fuel tank contents gauge system
The new system replaces the previously supplied 25 year old unit which has served everyone well.
The new fuel polishing system provides a 24/7 fuel cleaning.
Technology has greatly improved since the 25 year old original system was installed, as the new system provides remote network access to fuel tank gauge, system showing Tank Name, Product Type, Capacity, Volume, Ullage, Temperature, Water Content and Time and Date. This new system provides a highly efficient and cost effective refuelling and monitoring facility for our client.
Contact Taylor Fuel Control today to discuss your refuelling installation requirements for windfarms, ports, harbours and marinas.
+44 (0)1992 451101